Sticky and sweet, two good (and odd) uses for vinegar

There are about a zillion uses for my favorite french fry topping, but lately I've come upon two new ones that have seemed to revolutionize my life this week. How revolutionary? I'll give you three words: DOLLY PARTON STICKERS
I'm a big Dolly fan, for those who don't know. Any woman who can endure that much plastic surgery and stand there and be proud of it (and how amazing she looks at her age!) is OK in my book. Not to mention her song writing talents, of which the world should be envious.
So finding an article on her in an old AARP magazine was like gold when I had this new craft project looming around in my head on a rainy day last week.
Make your own stickers, Dolly Parton or otherwise
1. Cut pictures or designs from magazines (covers don't work quite as well), craft papers, etc.
2. Lay them out on a cookie sheet, upside down.
3. Mix together equal parts white school glue and white vinegar.
4. Paint the back of each picture liberally. Let dry.
5. Repeat.
6. To use your stickers, you can lick them but it doesn't taste very good if you're going to do a bunch. My daughter suggests a sponge. I just licked 'em. I'm tough like Dolly Parton that way.
But wait, what do you do while you're waiting for the glue to dry on the back of your stickers??

Make a crazy cake
What makes it crazy? No milk, no eggs. In other words, dairy-free and vegan. In my words, super easy and cheap.

1. Preheat your oven to 325.
Directly into an 8x8 glass pan, combine:
1 1/4 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking soda

2. Mix together well, but don't fling stuff around the room.
3. Make 2 large divots and 2 small divots in the mixture.
4. In the large divots pour:
1 cup water
1/3 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp vinegar

5. Combine well, wipe off sides of pan so it's nice and clean.
6. Bake it for 30-35 minutes, until center is set.
7. Cool completely before slicing, and enjoy washing down the taste from the vinegar and glue stickers with a big piece of chocolate cake.


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