Killing the family with kindness
Thanks to all of my readers who have sent me their favorite oatmeal recipes! If you've got a good one to share, post it in the comments for all to read! “Dear, I love you and everything, but this is the worst dinner you have ever cooked in all of our ten years of marriage.” All of that from one meal that Wilford Brimley told me was “the right thing to do.” But I guess it wasn’t “the tasty way to do it.” I have this odd relationship with oatmeal. Always have, always will. I think it stems from the fact that I figured out, at a young age, that if I taught myself to like things that other people didn’t want, I would have more. The revelation hit at Girl Scout camp when I watched so many mistakenly burnt marshmallows go into the fire. With the limit set at two per girl, I quickly upped my intake by offering not to waste the burnt ones. It naturally follows then that I also learned to like black jelly beans, mushrooms, and prunes. Added to the list is oatmeal which was never reall