The Lament of Summer Break

In all my years of parenting,
Since those babes came out of my gut,
I never have been so exhausted.
Yes, summer is kicking my butt.

From the day they stepped of the school bus,
They instantly started to run.
How can they go all day without rest?
Summer is kicking my bum.

I go outside and they follow me
I come back in and they’re standing right here.
The air conditioning bill is enormous,
Summer is kicking my rear.

It seems each day is so beautiful
With blue skies and the sun so shiny,
Surely we have to go out and play.
Summer is kicking my hiney.

Off to the library, the zoo and the park,
“No, you can’t bring a friend!”
Sure, I’ll set up the sprinkler.
Summer is kicking my end.

Sunscreen all day, passing out snacks
The dirty dishes pile is uncanny.
How do three kids go through forty-five cups?
Summer is kicking my fanny.

Bug spray at night while we run around,
“You’ve got to let those fireflies loose!”
How many jars of dead bugs have I dumped?
Summer is kicking my caboose.

But summer is fleeting like childhood
And flying by so fast are the weeks,
We’ll pack in the fun before school starts,
Even though summer is kicking my cheeks.

So I guzzle coffee all through the morning,
In the afternoon fill the wine glass.
And I’ll be in bed by a quarter past ten,
‘Cause summer is making me really tired.


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