Bring on the butterflies

Once the load of dirt comes in, we are going to plant a patch of habitat in our backyard, in a little spot near the woodsline where the sunlight sneaks between the woods and the house. I have a few packs of seeds from the Ohio Department of Nature Resources that I received at last year's Becoming an Ohio Outdoors Woman. If they actually grow, I will have a small plot of flowers that will provide nectar for hummingbirds and butterflies, and I've got my fingers crossed.
There is something special about watching a hummingbird and the way it hovers, or the erratic flight of the butterfly. When these amazing creatures cross your path, you can't help but consider yourself lucky. They're not a common sight.
But just think if more people planted a small patch of habitiat -- maybe it would be a common sight, and how wonderful that would be!
So plant your habitat, folks! Here are some seed ideas that are included in my pack, but you can easily pick them up individually:
Zinnia (3' tall)
Mexican Sunflower (6')
Purple Coneflower


Sharon Lovejoy said…
Hi Outdoor Mama, Good for YOU! and good for your children too! I am the original author of Sunflower Houses, first published in 1991 and still in print. One of my readers forwarded your blog to me and told me to tell you about my books. I have many projects to do with children outdoors, and in my book Hollyhock Days, and my 1998 book Roots Shoots Buckets & Boots I have dozens of easy, fun in nature projects to do with your family, but the Sunflower House is my favorite. I have received hundreds of photos of children in their natural playhouse and thousands of letters. So wonderful that something natural and homegrown can be the focal point of a summer's play outdoors. Good luck to you and nature's blessings, Sharon Lovejoy
Sharon Lovejoy said…
Hi Outdoor Mama, Good for YOU! and good for your children too! I am the original author of Sunflower Houses, first published in 1991 and still in print. One of my readers forwarded your blog to me and told me to tell you about my books. I have many projects to do with children outdoors, and in my book Hollyhock Days, and my 1998 book Roots Shoots Buckets & Boots I have dozens of easy, fun in nature projects to do with your family, but the Sunflower House is my favorite. I have received hundreds of photos of children in their natural playhouse and thousands of letters. So wonderful that something natural and homegrown can be the focal point of a summer's play outdoors. Good luck to you and nature's blessings, Sharon Lovejoy
Sharon Lovejoy said…
Hi Outdoor Mama, Good for YOU! and good for your children too! I am the original author of Sunflower Houses, first published in 1991 and still in print. One of my readers forwarded your blog to me and told me to tell you about my books. I have many projects to do with children outdoors, and in my book Hollyhock Days, and my 1998 book Roots Shoots Buckets & Boots I have dozens of easy, fun in nature projects to do with your family, but the Sunflower House is my favorite. I have received hundreds of photos of children in their natural playhouse and thousands of letters. So wonderful that something natural and homegrown can be the focal point of a summer's play outdoors. Good luck to you and nature's blessings, Sharon Lovejoy

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